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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 10, Issue 1, pp. 1-216

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Sequences of Meromorphic Functions Corresponding to a Formal Laurent Series

William B. Jones and W. J. Thron

pp. 1-17

Necessary and Sufficient Condition for Maintaining Oscillations and Nonoscillations in General Functional Equations and Their Asymptotic Properties

Bhagat Singh

pp. 18-31

A Nonlinear Singular Perturbation Problem for Second Order Systems

Walter G. Kelley

pp. 32-37

Extensions of Sheffer Polynomial Sets

Wm. R. Allaway

pp. 38-48

Some Properties of Solutions of $(r(t)\psi (x)x')' + a(t)f(x) = 0$

W. E. Mahfoud and S. M. Rankin

pp. 49-54

Growth and Oscillation Properties of Second Order Linear Difference Equations

William T. Patula

pp. 55-61

Reproducing-Kernel Hilbert Spaces of Distributions and Generalized Stochastic Processes

Reuven Meidan

pp. 62-70

Bounded Solutions of Finite Dimensional Approximations to the Boussinesq Equations

James H. Curry

pp. 71-77

A Note on a Paper by L. Carlitz

J. Cigler

pp. 78-79

Ideal Inversion Formulae for the Fourier Transform

F. J. Wilson

pp. 80-85

Oscillation and Asymptotic Behavior of Forced Nonlinear Equations

A. G. Kartsatos and J. Toro

pp. 86-95

On Some Maximum Principles Involving Harmonic Functions and Their Derivatives

L. E. Payne and G. A. Philippin

pp. 96-104

On Solutions of a Transcendental Equation Basic to the Theory of Vibrating Plates

C. E. Siewert and J. S. Phelps, III

pp. 105-111

A Variational Formula for the Growth Rate of a Positive Operator Semigroup

Thomas G. Kurtz

pp. 112-117

Frequency Domain Stability for a Class of Equations Arising in Reactor Dynamics

D. Wexler

pp. 118-138

Cardinal-Type Approximations of a Function and Its Derivatives

L. Lundin and F. Stenger

pp. 139-160

Boundary Value Problems of Mixed Type Arising in the Kinetic Theory of Gases

Hans G. Kaper

pp. 161-178

Spectral Representation of an Unbounded Linear Transformation Arising in the Kinetic Theory of Gases

Hans G. Kaper

pp. 179-191

The Summation of Series of Hyperbolic Functions

I. J. Zucker

pp. 192-206

On the Derivative of the Drazin Inverse of a Complex Matrix

Robert E. Hartwig and Jim Shoaf

pp. 207-216